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The 3D Tune-In Toolkit - 3D audio spatialiser, hearing loss and hearing aid simulations

Líneas de Trabajo: Año: 2018
Tipo de publicación: Artículo en conferencia Palabras clave: Audio 3D, binaural
Autores: Cuevas-Rodríguez, María; Picinali, Lorenzo; González Toledo, Daniel; Garre del Olmo, Carlos; de la Rubia Cuestas, Ernesto J.; Molina-Tanco, Luis; Poirier-Quinot, David; Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio
Título del libro: IEEE VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2018)
The 3D Tune-In (3DTI) project ( aims at using 3D sound, visuals and games to support people using hearing aid devices and educate others about hearing loss. Within the project the 3DTI Toolkit, a standard C++ library for audio spatialisation and simulation using speakers or headphones, has been developed. The toolkit allows development of highly realistic and immersive 3D audio simulations (both loudspeaker- and headphones-based), and simulation (within the virtual environment) of hearing aid devices and of different typologies of hearing loss. The 3DTI Toolkit can be, and has been, used to develop applications and games relating to hearing aid and hearing loss.

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