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INTUITION. Network of Excellence on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments Applications for Future Workspaces.

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Líneas de Trabajo: Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality INTUITION. Network of Excellence on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments Applications for Future Workspaces.
Estado: Finished  
Líderes del proyecto: Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio Colaboradores: Viciana-Abad, Raquel; Díaz Estrella, Antonio; García-Berdonés, Carmen; Ron Angevín, Ricardo
Inicio: 2004-09-01 Final: 2008-10-31
Financiado por: European Union FP6
Página del proyecto

INTUITION is a Network Of Excellence focused on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces. It is funded by the European Union, and operates under the 6th Framework of the European Commission (IST). The Network includes 58 partners and it is being coordinated by the Institute Of Communication And Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens in Greece.

The INTUITION Network aims at:


  • Systematically acquiring and clustering knowledge on VR concepts, methodologies and guidelines, to provide a thorough picture of the state of the art and provide a reference point for future projects.
  • Performing a review of existing and emerging VR systems and VE applications, and establishing a framework of relevant problems and limitations to be overcome.
  • Identifying user requirements and wishes and also new promising application fields for


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