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Integrating Generic Competences in an Engineering Degree Curriculum: the Students' Point of View

Líneas de Trabajo: Año: 2016
Tipo de publicación: Artículo en conferencia Palabras clave: Higher education, Engineering degree, Generic competences, Oral and written communication skills; Second language skills, Teamwork skills
Autores: García-Berdonés, Carmen; Trujillo Aguilera, Davinia; Tójar Hurtado, Juan Carlos
Título del libro: 2016 International Conference Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Dirección: Salamanca
Organización: Universidad de Salamanca Mes: Noviembre
Developing generic competences in bachelor degrees is not an easy task. In order to get a successful result, all actors in the teaching-learning process must agree in several topics, as the definition of each competence or the best approach for learning and evaluation. For this reason, the point of view of the students should be considered. This paper presents this point of view of students from several Engineering Degrees about how some generic competences should be trained and how this is currently addressed. Besides, self-perception of proficiency level in these generic competences has been assessed. We have used a survey methodology and the obtained results allow us to narrow down the focus on the role of the degree in training competences and the need of assess student skills before changing the curriculum. In a future work, these results will be contrasted with teachers’ point of view in the framework of an overall research that is also briefly described.

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