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Interacción 3D y Realidad Virtual en la Universidad de Málaga. Presentación del grupo 3DI-DIANA

Líneas de Trabajo: Año: 2020
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Autores: Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio; Molina-Tanco, Luis; Cuevas-Rodríguez, María; González Toledo, Daniel
Journal: Interaccion - Revista Digital de AIPO
Páginas: 85-88
The 3DI-DIANA team is researching and developing technology in 3D interaction and user experience in Interactive Virtual Environments (IVE) since 2004. Their work has focused on 3D interaction techniques for Virtual Reality from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective. Their expertise and interests span binaural 3D audio spatialisation, 3D interaction with reduced degrees of freedom, and Virtual and Augmented Reality, including haptic Virtual Reality and Presence. The team have an important record in collaborative projects, both at national and European level. They are open to collaborations with other research teams, being able to contribute with their expertise in their described topics. More specifically, the 3DI-DIANA team can contribute in extending interactive virtual environments with 3D Audio and developing 3D interaction techniques which improve the user experience of handling and visualization of complex 3D objects.

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GRUPO DIANA | Dpto. Tecnología Electrónica | UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA
Campus de Teatinos| 29071 MÁLAGA | Tlf: +34 95 2131352 | FAX: +34 95 2131447